Product Information

Mar 16 Three products to ease re-entry anxiety in the workplace

IMG2 (4)

Returning to work can cause anxiety at the best of times. Even after a holiday or a long-term sick break, it can be daunting. But returning to the office after many months of a global pandemic – that’s another thing entirely.

Those responsible for the occupational health of their organisation will be looking at addressing concerns colleagues may have. We’ve supplied hundreds of workplaces with the tools they need to not only stay safe but also ensure they can ease any anxiety staff may have about returning to the workplace.

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Card Printing Tips & Advice

Mar 8 Second-hand ID card printers | The truth

Second hand ID card printers

If there’s one item you shouldn’t buy second hand, it’s an ID card printer.

You might have noticed we don’t offer refurbished or “factory-fresh” printers on our site, and not without good reason. So, if you’re currently hovering over the ‘Buy it now’ button on an eBay ad, you might want to read this first.

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Free Resources

Mar 4 FREE Workplace Reintegration Checklist: Reassuring employees and visitors returning to work

Workplace reintegration checklist

It appears the end of lockdown life is in sight at last. In 2021, businesses will need to ensure they can welcome employees, visitors and staff back to the workplace safely. We’re ready to help.

We’ve put together a Workplace Reintegration Checklist. COVID-19 has and a huge impact on our customers, and we want to give you some free support.

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